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Showing posts from February, 2022

10 Best Gardening Tips for Beginners

Gardening Tips for Beginners 1. Set it up correctly. Starting a garden is like real estate, it's about location. Place your garden in a part of your yard where you can see it without fail (out of sight, out of mind definitely applies to gardening). That way, you are more likely to spend time in it. 2. Follow the sun. Misdiagnosis of sunlight is a common risk when you first learn gardening. Before choosing a location for your garden, consider how sunlight plays in your yard. Most edible plants, including many vegetables, herbs, and fruits, need at least 6 hours of sunlight to thrive. 3. Stay close to the water. One of the best gardening tips you can ever get is to plan your new garden near a water source. Make sure you can run a hose in your garden so you don’t have to pour water every time your plants get thirsty. The best way to tell if plants need watering is to push a finger down an inch into the soil (it is about a knee-deep). If it is dry, it is time to take water.

cucumber plant problems

 Diagnosis and solution of cucumber plant problems Cucumbers are one of the most preferred vegetable garden crops, close behind tomatoes and peppers in the list of favorites of many gardeners. Cucumbers are easy to plant, tasty, and they are prosperous growers. But even experienced growers have problems with the cucumber plant from time to time. In this article, I will share some common problems with growing cucumber and introduce some simple organic solutions. Common problems of the cucumber plant Poor planting techniques inhibit the growth Cucumbers are easy to grow from seeds sown directly in the garden, but for northern gardeners with shorter growing seasons, this may help you to plant seedlings in the garden rather than seeds. The problem is that cucumber plants do not like to disturb their roots and usually suffer from transplant shock. When struggling with this physiological disorder, transplanting cucumber shows signs of delayed growth and development, denying the t

Growing Your Own Herbs

 7 Tips You Should Follow When Growing Your Own Herbs The herb garden is a good starting point for beginners who want to try gardening, for those who live in low-rise apartments, and even for experienced gardeners. Herbs are easy to grow indoors or outdoors and require little space. In the kitchen, a small harvest will go a long way. If you want to start an herb garden, it is important to keep these tips in mind. 1. Start with good potting soil If you are going to grow your herbs in containers, it is best to start with fresh, high-quality potting soil designed for containers. Over time, plants will deplete nutrients from the soil, so you should use fresh soil when filling containers. Potting soil is not as compact as garden soil, allowing water and nutrients to reach the root zone of the plant. 2. Let the roots breathe Plants need water, yes, but it is important that the soil around the roots is not too wet. If it is completely waterlogged, the roots will not be able to acc

landscaping ideas for beautiful backyard

 Easy DIY landscaping ideas for beautiful backyard When renovating your outdoor space, you can hire professionals to do the work for you, or for a customizable and budget-friendly option, you can slip on a pair of gloves and implement some easy DIY landscaping ideas. We have compiled a list to help you get started, as well as some simple tips and tricks for beautifying your yard. Even small changes can have a big impact on your front yard or backyard landscape. Add some color or texture, improve visual flow, create clean lines or enhance usability. When taking the DIY approach, you want these changes to be easy, and they can be! Play with layers when planting Landscape layering involves arranging different plants in front, neutral, and background, using design principles such as flow, depth, repetition, and scale. Create a balance between evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs, perennial flowers, ornamental grasses, vines, carpets, herbs, bulbs, and annuals, using the lat

Grow beautiful yellow flower

 Grow beautiful yellow flowering houseplants that you like In the natural world, there are innumerable flowers, each with its own charm. Yellow flowering indoor plants are one of them! They are great for brightening up your house, and there are a variety of houseplants with beautiful yellow flowers that you can add to your indoor garden. Also, most people choose yellow flowers to represent good luck and good energy from the past to the present. That’s what we like to write about in today’s post as yellow flowering houseplants. Like other flowers, the beauty of yellow flowers is that they have a variety of shades, from very delicate to clear vibrantly. Planting them will not only make your space more beautiful but will also bring relaxation and comfort. Whatever varieties you choose to grow, are guaranteed to bring joy and brightness to your indoor garden. In addition, they can be easily grown with basic needs such as moist and nutritious soil and good drainage. So, if you a

best gardening tools

 The best gardening tools that most gardeners do not notice While gardening can be a little easier, having the right tools for the job can make all the difference in the world. But what are the best gardening tools? You know that every trip you take to the garden with you is repetitive. Sometimes the best tool is as simple as recreating something you already have. Or it gets a chance at a hand tool you see on a seed chart year after year, and after using it, you wonder how you can garden for so long without it. (They are my favorites.) In its simplest form, horticulture is nothing more than putting a seed in the ground and watching it grow. If you've ever tried a garden, you know that there is nothing simpler about it. Bad weather, pests, plant diseases, soil deficiencies, and working schedules all combine to make the average growing season challenging. Having the tools to help guide each of these issues will go a long way to a successful harvest. Often, if you find the

Types of weeds that show stunning orange

 Types of weeds that show stunning orange blossoms to add charm to your landscape When it comes to gardening, it's not just a world of vegetables, flowers, or other good plants. Sometimes, you may find some weeds in your yard, but not sure what they are. In this post today, we will show you 11 types of weeds that show stunning orange blossoms to add beauty to your landscape. Some invasive weeds, and some wild-growing plants. Also, there is an edible or useful type in medicine. If you are interested in them, check them out! If you like their wild beauty and think you can control weeds, you can grow some of them. By producing beautiful orange flowers, they can add color to your outdoor space. So, if you are annoyed by the appearance of weeds, consider that bright flowers can sometimes be a benefit. For example, you can easily find weeds and remove them. Or, some of the weeds here may benefit your garden by attracting pollen. 1 Red Sorrel Although it is called reddish-brow

Indoor and outdoor plants with heart-shaped leaves

Heart-shaped leaves If you are looking for a plant, today's post will suggest 7 indoor and outdoor plants with heart-shaped leaves and you will fall in love with their unique beauty. They are not only stunning, eye-catching, and beautiful but also help to create a beautiful romantic atmosphere in your home. Instead of putting fresh flowers in a vase only once, you can enjoy your love forever with these plants with heart-shaped leaves. Check them out if you are interested in them. Some of them are beautiful houseplants that you can use as natural gifts to give to your loved ones. Others grow well in outdoor conditions to give a charming vibe to your nature. Like other plants, they are all low maintenance because they do not take up much of your time; Proper care will provide you with the best and most desirable plants you can dream of. Start with your little care, these plants will stick for more than a dozen cut flowers and will remind the recipient of your love through

Before Moving your Indoor Plants Outside

 What to consider before moving your indoor plants out in the summer Not only do you love the cool summers and sunny days of summer - your plants love it too! The plant mother answers all your questions about moving your indoor plants outdoors during the summer months. Below are some common plant care questions related to bringing your indoor plants out in the summer.  The plants go out Yes, all of our indoor evergreen plants can go outside. In fact, they absolutely love the fresh outdoor air. The main thing to keep in mind is the intensity of the outdoor sunlight when placing your plants outside. Just because a plant can go outside, does not mean it can be kept in full sun. It is best to place your plants in areas that reflect the needs of indoor lighting. It is also important to adapt your plant to the outdoor environment. Get used to a plant outdoors Start by placing your plant in a shady area for a few hours each day and slowly increase the outdoor time to 7-10 days. Af

10 simple tips to keep your lawn from turning brown

 Simple tips to keep your lawn  Summer is all about green lawns and spending time outside with family and friends. You need to make sure your recreation area is beautiful and vibrant. There are many things that can take the green out of your grass, and there will be unseen brown patches in your yard. These tips will help keep your lawn green and beautiful throughout the season, making it a great backdrop for entertainment. 1. Water the lawn Most lawns require 1-1.5 "of water per week with rain or spray. It is best to water your lawn frequently to encourage roots to grow deeper. Time depends on climate and soil type. 2. Adjust the sprayers Make sure the sprinklers supply water evenly to each area of ​​the lawn. Most spray heads can be adjusted using a small screwdriver. 3. Compost the lawn Encourage your lawn in the spring or when the soil temperature reaches 55 F. After 4 weeks, feed every 6 to 8 weeks during the growing season. Slow-release granular manure helps to av

Types of garden mulch & how to use them

Garden mulch & how to use them Mulch is layers of material that are placed to cover areas of growing soil or plain soil between plants. There are two main types of mulch - organic mulch and non-organic mulch. Within the first category, mulch contains organic matter that decomposes on the surface of the soil, and living mulch - living plants that are sown as land or green manure. In this article, we will explore different types of mulch. First, we will cover the organic mulch, which has a huge range of benefits. Then, at the end of the article, we will look at some inorganic materials that you can choose from. It can be difficult to choose which mulch for different areas and for different purposes. But read on, you will be introduced to a wide range of options. We will discuss the reasons for using each type and where they can be used. Organic mulch First, let’s start by looking at some common-purpose organic mulches that are beneficial when adding anywhere to your garde

Things you need to know before planting a tomato seed

Before planting a tomato seed A bucket full of freshly picked tomatoes is every gardener’s dream. Red, yellow, purple, striped and finally, green are ripe and unripe. My grandmother kept her tomato growing secrets; "Try to grow tomatoes better than mine," she said with a small smile on her face, but the tomatoes she proudly shared with friends and neighbors. On the other hand, my mom also grew tomatoes in the forget-me-not-let-grow system. They were delicious and incredibly plentiful, but the unforgettable taste was not yet the same. You can find more of this phenomenon in horticulture. This may do something with the variety, the soil, or the plants being fertilized. How much sun they got, how much water, and how often they got it. Before planting a tomato seed ... 1. Buy the right tomato seeds Before planting and buying seeds you should ask yourself: What kind of tomatoes do I like to eat? Will they be for processing tomato sauce? Should I make dehydrated tomatoe

Beautiful large houseplants for the corners of your home

Houseplants for the corners of your home Here is a list of 8 beautiful large house plants for the corners of your house that you would like to add to your living space. These plants are a great way to maximize space in any corner. If your space is large or limited to a few feet, there is more energy to make it more enjoyable and practical in all corners! By cultivating them, you will create a green corner in life and have the opportunity to help you get closer to nature. Placing a wooden pot or hanging basket in any of your rooms will transform reinforced concrete spaces into soft and elegant spaces. 1 rubber plant The rubber plant shows broad, glossy, dark green leaves. It is one of the best houseplants for beginners as it does not require daily watering. This plant grows well in light, but if you expose it to too much direct sunlight, it will not do well. 2 Monstera plant The Monstera plant grows to 3-feet tall and 2-to-3-feet wide and produces large leaves with hollow sh

Secrets to Growing New Beans

 Secrets to Growing New Beans in Your Garden One of the most popular summer vegetables is beans… Fresh beans can be eaten in salads and many favorite recipes, while dry beans include our favorite bean soup and giant bean varieties. We usually sow our produce in the summer and early fall in the spring. For those who do not have a garden, you can plant beans in a pot on the balcony and enjoy good production. Beans have high nutritional value because they are rich in protein, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and minerals. Because they are so low in fat, they are recommended in all diets and diet plans. Let’s take a look at what we need to know about growing beans, what varieties we choose, and what care is needed to enjoy the most delicious beans from our garden. What are the most popular varieties of beans? There are many popular local and traditional bean varieties, low and climbing to choose from. Most growers prefer fresh beans that are low in fiber because they are so delic