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Plant and vegetable companions in gardens

 Plant and vegetable companions 

The true wonders of nature do not amaze us. One of the most amazing topics in horticulture is the topic of plant and vegetable comrades. In short, fruits, vegetables, and even plants have friends.

For example, flowers are definitely beautiful to look at and admire. Nevertheless, they can make very practical applications in the vegetable garden. These include:

Avoidance of pests

Attracts insect predators

Attracts pollen

Weed control


Vegetables grown in isolation are more susceptible to pests. Growing the right flowers will attract the beneficial insects that feed on these insects. The best flowers are rich in pollen and honey. These are flowers with single-ringed petals.

Another benefit is the wonderful pattern of colors, textures, and aromas that flowers can bring to a vegetable garden. This can be confusing for insects because it is very difficult to find exactly the vegetables they usually aim to feed. In this case, some insects may be guided or disturbed by the smell.

For example, marigold flowers can serve a dual purpose. They can prevent unwanted pests from coming into the garden. At the same time, they can attract pests that are important for the health of your garden. These flowers are an excellent supplement to tomatoes, they are very susceptible to attack by pests and other unwanted insects.

Other flowers have the ability to control weeds while improving soil health. Ideally, low-growing and non-invasive flowers are selected with dense growth habits.

Perennial flowers Many gardeners take care of their vegetable gardens and attract pollen insects such as bees, butterflies, and moths. Many herbs, too, can provide beneficial benefits such as oregano and lavender, which produce flowers that attract ladybugs.

Annuals and biennials have different life cycles, they are perennial and can grow quickly. Another advantage is that many flowers, like poppies, propagate spontaneously by self-seeding from one year to the next.


Scattering the seeds in well-prepared soil in advance will give these flowers time to grow and they will be ready when you need them most.

You can use computer software to better plan your vegetable garden, provide information and recommend the right companions for the right type of vegetable.

Here are some practical examples of how to make friends with vegetables:

Basil: Basil can help increase the yield of tomatoes if grown relatively close. Basil also has the power to enhance the taste of spinach

Broccoli: Mint and sage have the power to repel cabbage moths and preserve your precious vegetable

Carrot: Two important friends are Chives and Rosemary. Onion enhances flavor and Rosemary prevents carrot flies

Tomatoes: Both basil and mint enhance growth and flavor

Gardeners who grow different plants together should compile them according to their water needs. Deep-rooted vegetables such as tomatoes should be kept together. They grow normally strong as they require less irrigation and it enters the soil when given in the right amounts.

Flowers play an incredibly important role in nature. They brighten our world, make people happy, and help gardeners in their daily work.

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