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Brown Spots on My Dracaena?

 Home Plant Care: Brown Spots on My Dracaena?

If you find brown spots on your dragonfly, do not worry - the plant mother is here to help! Brown spots on Dracaena can be caused by a variety of factors. Below are some possible causes and solutions to help your plant regain shape!

Plant Symptoms:

- Brown, dry spots on some leaves

- Leaf tips turn brown

- Small brown spots cut into yellow

Possible cause 1: Irregular irrigation

If you notice brown spots and spots on your dragonfly, the problem may be due to irregular watering. If the soil dries out too much, the tips of the leaves will be brown with spots and spots.

How to fix it:

Water your dragon once the top 75% of the soil in the pot has dried to the touch. Check your plants every 7 to 10 days and remember that in winter our homes are often hot and dry, so the plants need to be watered frequently.

Possible cause 2: Water sensitivity

If you notice brown spots on the tips and edges of the leaves, it may be a sign of the presence of chlorine and/or fluoride in the tap water or a sign of salt accumulation in the soil.

How to fix it:

Fill a container with tap water and allow the chlorine and fluoride to evaporate without covering it for at least 24 hours. Another option is to use rainwater or distilled water instead.

Also, if you notice white deposits accumulating on the outside of the pot (especially near the drain holes), this is a sign of excess salt. Use rainwater or distilled water to remove excess salt.

Possible cause 3: Leaf spot disease

If you notice small brown spots cut into yellow, your plant may have leaf spot disease. Invasive fungi or bacteria feed on the leaves, leaving small brown spots on the yellow. These spots can vary in shape, color, and size.

How to fix it:

Immediately remove the affected leaves and isolate your dragonfly for the time being from your other plants. To treat leaf spot disease, try this home remedy by putting a teaspoon or two of baking soda and a teaspoon or two of mineral oil in a spray bottle of water. Shake the solution well and then spray on all parts of the plant affected by brown spots.

Plant Mother Tip:

I always recommend removing the damaged part of a leaf or the entire leaf if it is completely brown. Removing dead leaves or damaged areas helps the plant recover and gives it its best appearance. You will need very sharp scissors or scissors.

How to properly remove damaged or dead leaves:

1. Cut off the tips or spots of the brown leaves with clean scissors. Cut off only the damaged tips or spots, leaving a small edge of brown so as not to damage the remaining healthy foliage on the plant.

2. If the whole leaf is brown, remove the individual leaves at their base. Gently pull the leaf; It may come automatically. If the leaf does not separate by gently pulling, cut through the stem with clean scissors.

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