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Plants for Office Spaces

6 Best Indoor Plants for Office Spaces

There is nothing that expands the office space like a nice green plant. They are good for your mood and can increase productivity, and they help to clean the air in the office from toxins. After all, they are so much fun to watch. If you want to bring greenery into your office area, read on to find out which plants are best for this.

Here are the best indoor plants for office spaces, so you can start collecting on your own today. Office plants, such as team-building games or strategies to build morale, are a great way to boost morale in the office. They can help increase productivity and even surveys can help companies retain their employees.

Excellent indoor plants for office spaces

Indoor plants in the office help keep the environment alive and energy flows freely and quietly into the space. By looking at the lush vegetation, they can create a restorative effect on the workers in the area. And these are just some of the benefits of having plants in the office.

However, the fact is that many plants simply do not thrive in the office environment. They can be very over-maintained and will not do well under regular office lighting or without a proper water regime. That is why it is important to learn which plants work best in the office.

Now that you know why plants make a good addition to the office, let’s take a look at some specific plants you might want to use.

1. Snake plant (Sansevieria)

The most popular plant on many lists is the snake plant, also known as the mother-in-law's tongue, which is a hardy, unique-looking plant that is very easy to maintain. It tops the list of plants that help purify the air in one place, and it thrives even in low light conditions. Not surprisingly, it also makes a list of the best plants for office spaces. Snake plants are very easy to care for and they are forgiving if you forget to water for a while.

2. English Ivy (Hedera Helix)

A green vine plant like English ivy is as beautiful as a basket hanging on a desk or in the office. This ivy needs medium light and moderate watering to thrive. If you forget the water it is very forgivable and it will dry out a bit. If you take care and give water at the right time it will jump back. For a unique, earthy, lush feel in the office, you can even run English Ivy on a truss or wall.

3. African Violet (Saintpaulia)

African Violet is a fuzzy deciduous plant with purple-violet flowers that became especially popular in the 1970s. Today, this plant is still a fan favorite because it grows in warm, moderate temperatures and humidity. Basically, the same environment that is friendly to humans is also friendly to the African violet. They work well on a wide variety of lights, including fluorescents, which is another reason why they are on the list of best plants for your office. They are beautiful and they are easy enough to maintain.

4. Cactus (Cactaceae)

There are many types of cactus to choose from, but they all have one thing in common: they are ideal for office spaces. They require little maintenance and are very easy to maintain. In fact, if you are new to indoor plants, you can not misuse cactus. They work best in natural light but require watering only once a week in the spring and summer and less than that in the fall and winter. You can escape by watering only once every three weeks during those months. Cactus comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, so they can be a lot of fun in the office.

5. Chinese Green (Aglonoma)

Next up is Chinese Evergreen. These plants grow well in the dark and when healthy they grow large, full, and bushy. They are beautiful in pots and they prefer warm, humid conditions but tolerate dry air or lack of watering. We recommend not placing it in front of the AC vent. Excessive watering can lead to root rot, so watch how the leaves respond when they are down, low in the water, and thirsty.

6. Maize plant (Dracaena fragrant)

The corn mill is another great choice for the office. The person who forgot to take care of their office plant due to low maintenance and hard worksheet is perfect. The corn scheme will stand up well if occasionally ignored, but it will be like filtered light or half shade and the leaves will be foggy. It is very easy to take care of and brings a tropical feeling to your office.

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