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Runner plant species to grow indoors

 Different runner plant species to grow indoors and outdoors

If you are considering growing some runner plants somewhere around your garden or house. Look no further, today is the time to add one of the runner plants to bring in some instant foliage with a very fast growth rate. In the post, we grow 14 different runner plant species indoors and outdoors that will make your home or garden feel green in no time. In the list, some are flowers, others are herbs or houseplants. Check them out!

These types of plants are often called runner plants, also called stolen plants, which reproduce asexually. A large stem, stolon, or runner grows horizontally from the mother plant and forms a baby plant at its tip. This plant will eventually grow its roots and grow around the mother plant. The new plant does photosynthesis to grow new growth and new runner generation in your garden. To learn more about their characteristics and their development patterns, read our helpful guide below.

1 wild rose

Widespread roses of wild roses. They grow better without care and sprout runners from every nook and cranny.

2 strawberries

Strawberries are also considered edible ground cover. Stoles of strawberries are always horizontal. These stems run close to the earth and take out new strawberry plants with a break from this stem.

3 Lily of the Valley

The lily of the valley is another runner or stole plant. It is highly toxic and can infect other plants due to its colonic nature of spreading. Ingestion of this flower can kill plants and children and cause disease in adults.

4 spider plant

Spider plants spread their stolons or runners down to the ground, their races sloping long and far.

5 Crocosmia flowers

The Crocosmia flower is a beautiful orange flower that resembles a lily. It is a hardy plant, but still prone to breakage, and yet overcomes its breaks by sprouting horizontal ridges to continue to grow.

6 Trout Lily

Similar to the skin of the trout named after the trout lily, these runner plants are edible and provide medicinal value.

7 Purple Queen

The Purple Queen is one of the easiest plants to reproduce. They quickly form new branches and take root in its soil.

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