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10 simple tips to keep your lawn from turning brown

 Simple tips to keep your lawn 

Summer is all about green lawns and spending time outside with family and friends. You need to make sure your recreation area is beautiful and vibrant.

There are many things that can take the green out of your grass, and there will be unseen brown patches in your yard. These tips will help keep your lawn green and beautiful throughout the season, making it a great backdrop for entertainment.

1. Water the lawn

Most lawns require 1-1.5 "of water per week with rain or spray. It is best to water your lawn frequently to encourage roots to grow deeper. Time depends on climate and soil type.

2. Adjust the sprayers

Make sure the sprinklers supply water evenly to each area of ​​the lawn. Most spray heads can be adjusted using a small screwdriver.

3. Compost the lawn

Encourage your lawn in the spring or when the soil temperature reaches 55 F. After 4 weeks, feed every 6 to 8 weeks during the growing season. Slow-release granular manure helps to avoid burning the lawn.

4. Keep the saw blades sharp

Keep the blades sharp on your saw. The dull blades will “tear” the grass instead of cutting it clean and allow water to quickly leave the grass blades.

5. Consider the cutting height

Cut only the top 1/3 of the grass during each sawing. Tallgrass creates more shade and retains more moisture in the soil. Tallgrass promotes a deep root system.

6. Grass recycling

Allow grass clippings to be a substitute for baking on your lawn. It helps recycle nutrients and composts your lawn, and it also reduces the need for water.

7. Mind the Craps

White worms live in topsoil and feed on grassroots. Without roots, your lawn will not absorb the moisture and nutrients needed to stay green.

8. Ventilate the roots

When the grass is too thick, nutrients and water cannot penetrate the roots where they are needed. Drill holes (ventilation) in the lawn to improve air circulation and allow water to flow to the root zone.

9. Protect against Cropcross

High temperatures will encourage the emergence of crabgrass, and it will try to capture your lawn. The best protection is the grass-dense healthy position, which is placed at a slightly higher altitude and well fertilized.

10. Prevent pet problems

Urine contains acid, and this acid will create brown spots on your lawn. If your pet has a favorite spot in the yard, rinse the area with extra water to dilute the acid.

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