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landscaping ideas for beautiful backyard

 Easy DIY landscaping ideas for beautiful backyard

When renovating your outdoor space, you can hire professionals to do the work for you, or for a customizable and budget-friendly option, you can slip on a pair of gloves and implement some easy DIY landscaping ideas. We have compiled a list to help you get started, as well as some simple tips and tricks for beautifying your yard.

Even small changes can have a big impact on your front yard or backyard landscape. Add some color or texture, improve visual flow, create clean lines or enhance usability. When taking the DIY approach, you want these changes to be easy, and they can be!

Play with layers when planting

Landscape layering involves arranging different plants in front, neutral, and background, using design principles such as flow, depth, repetition, and scale. Create a balance between evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs, perennial flowers, ornamental grasses, vines, carpets, herbs, bulbs, and annuals, using the latter, smaller materials, and fewer large plants.

Flow - Instead of playing to connect the dots with the individual "zones" in your yard, make sure each one flows together and each area is connected to another.

Depth - Widen your beds if possible and avoid stumbling over plants for a more natural look and greater depth.

Repetition - Using different plants with the same color or texture, recreate plant groups of visually identical plants throughout the space to help bring them all together.

Size - Keep in mind the size of the bed and the mature size of the plants used, and place plants of different sizes and shapes next to each other.

Choose natural perennial floor coverings

Perennial mulches provide the best low-maintenance way to control weeds, control erosion, make your garden greener, and reduce mulch demand. They can change a portion of your lawn, especially areas that are sloping and hard to cut. Choose native species that attract birds and other wildlife, while non-native ones will be invasive. Here are some popular natural perennial floor coverings:

Add fresh mulch

A relatively quick and easy way to add a fresh, clean look to your garden is to add a new layer of mulch. In addition to being attractive, mulch improves soil moisture and nutrient retention.

For a more sustainable option, use natural, unpainted mulch, and if using a pick-up truck, buy in bulk without bagging to reduce costs and reduce waste in plastic bags. This is a great time to use an edge or install plastic edges, landscaping blocks, or other border materials for clean lines around your beds.

4. Light up your landscape

Add natural light to beautify your outdoor space and enhance vision when the sun goes down. Light up sidewalks, stairs, or beautiful Japanese maple. Underwater lights can also be installed on water features. Remember: less is more.

Indirect lighting is best, so most lights should show a soft glow downwards, and make sure no one strolling in the garden or sitting in the backyard is blinded. Stumbling lights on the paths will give a more natural look than sorting them out.

Use solar lights only in areas that receive a lot of sunlight or select ones that have sensors separately from the light, so the sensors can be placed in full sunlight. If solar lighting does not suit your needs, choose LEDs for low power consumption

Use standard landscape design

For lush patio and lush ground, use standard landscaping practices. It is very obvious to avoid using chemicals in your lawn and garden, from pesticides and fertilizers to dyed mulch. Water conservation also tops the list. If you live in a dry climate, fill your garden with drought-tolerant plants to reduce waterlogging.

Planting native perennials have many benefits when it comes to sustainability

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