Plants that bring good luck
Some types of plants are classified as good luck plants. Feng shui plants are said to bring prosperity, luck, love, and fortune. That is why some types of "lucky plants" are called cash trees or cash plants. There are other plants that feng shui considers to bring good luck, such as lucky bamboo, rubber plants, orchids, and some types of indoor ferns and palms.
It is a good idea to have plenty of houseplants to purify the air in your home and improve humidity. Feng shui says that some plants help balance water elements and displace negative energy. There is scientific research that indoor plants can help reduce stress. Other studies show that plants generally have a positive effect on a person's well-being.
Money Plant (Crassula Ovata)
Despite being called the cash tree, the Crassula ovata Feng Shui plant should not be confused with the real cash tree Pachira Aquatica.
Jade plants are succulent, with tree-like stems, delicate branches, and dense succulent leaves. The fleshy leaves are jade green, and some varieties may have red or yellow margins. The ovate leaves are 1 "to 3.5" (3 - 9 cm) long and 1.5 "(4 cm) wide.
If you are lucky, money plants may start to bloom in winter. Small pink or white star-shaped flowers appear and emit a pleasant scent. Jade plants usually bloom during the winter months when the environment is right. This usually happens when the nights are long, the weather is cold, and the plant has no water for a few weeks.
In some cases, the shrubs can grow up to 8 feet (2.5 m) in height and look like large shrubs. However, home-grown cash mills rarely reach these heights.
Money Tree Plant (Pachira Aquatica)
Money tree plant. This ornamental houseplant is a genus of plants in the Malvaceae family. You will often see pictures of this cash tree plant (Pachira Aquatica) growing in containers with braided trunks.
Like jade plants, the cash tree is said to bring good luck, wealth, and prosperity. This is one reason why it is also called a "cash mill". However, apart from its association with feng shui, jade plants and pachira Aquatica are by no means related.
Legend has it that the money tree turned into an auspicious plant when one prayed for poor money. Then he saw this strange plant. He considered it a lucky tree when he started making money by selling plants grown from seeds.
The bell tree plant is also known as Guyana Chestnut, French Peanut, Provision Tree, and Saba Nut.
Lucky Bamboo (Dragona sanderiana)
Lucky bamboo is a species of Dragona sanderiana. Other names for this lucky charm houseplant include Chinese water bamboo, the goddess of grace, and Sander's dragon.
Although this plant looks like bamboo, it does not belong to the genus Poaceae. As an attractive ornamental houseplant, this plant has long straight fleshy stems that sprout long leaves. Bamboo-like stems can grow up to 3.2 feet (1 m), but in feng shui, shorter variations of the "bamboo" plant are preferred.
To take care of your lucky bamboo, cut the stems frequently. This will help transfer energy back to the stem and leaves and keep it growing healthy. Periodic pruning and placing in small containers will help control height.
Feng Shui lucky bamboo plants are usually sold in glass containers or in pots with rocks and water. You will find that plants grow well in water as well as in soil. This lucky bamboo is one of the easiest house plants to maintain. If you keep these “good luck” plants in the water, add some liquid fertilizer every month and avoid filling the tap with water, but use filtered water or rainwater.
Feng shui says that the number of bamboo stalks has different meanings when calling for luck. The 3 stems are said to symbolize happiness, wealth, and longevity. 5 or 6 stalks symbolize wealth and good luck. Also, 7 stems indicate good health.