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Air Plant Care tips

 Aerial plant care

You have filled your house with every kind of beautiful houseplant you can find ranging from snake plants to rubber plants, spider plants, and money trees. But you will not find the most wonderful houseplant of all: wind plants, also known by their botanical name Dilloncia. Ryan Leszeik, co-owner of Air Plant Design Studio, says that "aerobic plants are a type of bromeliad and an epiphyte that attaches itself to a host plant for anchoring, but not for nutrition." "They absorb what they need through the trichomes. They're like tiny hairs on the leaves, but they're really tiny cups."

Native to Central and South America, the West Indies, and South America, there are more than 600 species. In fact, the Spanish algae cover itself from live oaks, in fact, it is a type of dilllandia. Wind farms have become more popular in recent years because they are generally low-maintenance plants. In addition, they are not very expensive and are fun to show in creative ways.

Here's how to care for these wonderful plants.

Wind plants need a lot of light.

The tillandsia you have will determine what kind of light they need, says Lessick. There are two main categories: "mesic" wind plants, which usually have dark green leaves that are curled or cupped; They thrive in moist habitats under the canopy of forests. They prefer bright indirect light and burning in direct sunlight.

"Xeric" wind plants, usually with silvery, flattened leaves with obscure-looking trichomes, grow in desert climates. They like bright light, even direct sunlight. Both varieties thrive indoors throughout the year under the right conditions; In warmer climates such as Florida, many species survive outside.

How do I water my windmill?

It depends on the type you have and how dry your environment is; Generally, wind plants should be watered once or twice a week. Soak the musk varieties in water in a sink or bowl for 20-30 minutes. Use filtered, fountain or tap water or tap water that is allowed to sit for a few hours to allow the chlorine to disperse, Lessick says. Avoid using softened water.

After soaking, shake it and place it upside down to allow the plant to dry completely before transferring it to its display container (you may not want it to be wet or it may develop the disease). Focus on how your plant looks after bathing; Lessig tells what hydration, and healthy valencia should look like. This will help you figure out what to water next time.

Jericho plants, on the other hand, are used to desert climates, so they need to be submerged a few times, shaken, and then dried. If you pour too much water in any way, it will rot and fall off. “Excessive watering is one of the most common causes of wind plants dying,” 

Should I feed my windmill?

Aerial plants certainly benefit from fertilizer. "In the wild, many species grow in the corners of limbs and under trees, so they get the organic matter they break down," says Lessick. Look for non-urea nitrogen fertilizer made especially for orchids or bromeliads. Urea-based nitrogen, found in standard houseplants, uses bacteria in the soil to convert nitrogen into useful forms for plants. But since Dilancia was not planted in the soil, they could not process this type of nitrogen. Follow the instructions and feed once a month in spring and summer. There is no need to feed them in the winter.

Air plants can be shown in creative ways.

You can show off your windmill in hanging terrain, ceramic pots, or a variety of pots mounted on ornamental wood. Whatever you use, make sure there is good air circulation around the plants to prevent fungal infections,

If you are looking for a whole new way to decorate tables, air plants for parties or weddings are incredible. Aerial plants also make excellent (long-lasting!) Bouquets, boutonnieres, space systems, or aids. You are limited only by your imagination!

Do wind plants get flowers?

In a word, yes! But do not be impatient. Many plants, especially if grown from seed, bloom many It takes years - they only bloom once! After they bloom, they can form offsets called "puffs" (how beautiful it is!) And you can gently twist them to create fresh baby air plants when they are 1/3 to 1/2 in size. The mother plant (which, unfortunately, will eventually die). Or you can leave the kids in place so they can form a bunch at the right time.

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