Your Indoor Space To Avoid Unfortunately
In Feng Shui, plants are often used to bring positive energy and good luck into a space. While many plants can add greenery and natural beauty to your indoor space, there are certain plants that should be avoided indoors due to their harmful effects. In this article, we will explore some plants that can be left outdoors to avoid disrupting the flow of energy and bringing negative energy into your living space. By choosing plants that are considered lucky and avoiding those believed to bring bad luck or negative energy, you can create a harmonious and balanced environment that promotes positive energy and well-being. It's time to learn about them by reading the list below!
1 Weeping Fig
While rotting figs display beautiful white flowers and beautiful leaves that are great at removing dust particles from the room, feng shui practitioners advise against growing this plant indoors as it can attract negative energy into the home.
2 Dead Plants
Keeping dead and dry plants in the house represents a lack of will among family members, invites negative energies, and apart from clashing with the aesthetics of your beautiful interior, can adversely affect the health of the occupants.
3 Fake Plants
In feng shui, artificial plants are generally not preferred because they do not serve the purpose of maintaining the natural balance that plants can establish within the home.
4 Euphorbia Milii
While the plant thrives as an outdoor specimen, bringing it indoors can attract negative energy and bad luck. In addition, due to the abundance of thorns and the high level of toxicity, it poses a safety hazard to your children and pets.
5 Hydrangea
According to Feng Shui principles, hydrangeas symbolize loneliness, so it is undesirable to grow this plant indoors. Despite its undeniable beauty, having hydrangeas indoors is believed to convey feelings of emotional detachment and is considered unlucky. Instead, consider displaying its cut flowers in a vase or planting a beautiful hydrangea bush in your outdoor garden.
6 Bonsai
These dwarf trees are believed to hinder business growth and bring bad luck according to Feng Shui. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid incorporating these cheerful plants into your interior decoration, as they disrupt the natural flow of life.
7 Tamarind
According to traditional feng shui beliefs, the tamarind plant is said to attract negative energy into the home, causing illness among family members. In addition, this plant is often associated with attaining evil forces.