Growing vegetables in containers and how to overcome them
Growing vegetables in containers is a good option if you're short on space, but there are some hurdles to overcome. I love growing vegetables in containers. Don't get me wrong; I couldn't be happier with the space to grow a large garden in my backyard, but I always love having a few or more containers full of vegetables on the porch or decorating the front steps. The flowers are nice, but I'll take a plant full of rosemary any day.
But growing vegetables in containers isn't just about decoration. If you are limited in space, container gardening is a great way to grow vegetables. Whether you live in an apartment or only have a small balcony, you can still enjoy traditional tomatoes, fresh greens, and crunchy cucumbers.
Gardening always comes with a learning curve. Container gardening is no different. Here are some of the mistakes I (and many others) made, along with ideas on how you can avoid the same mistakes.
5 Common Mistakes You Make When Growing Vegetables in Containers
1. Multiple plants in one container.
This is one of the easiest mistakes to make. That five-gallon container looks gigantic when it's only a tiny tomato plant. Looks like plenty of room for two or three tomato plants. Alas, as they grow and develop root systems, they compete with each other for space and nutrients. Solutions? Know how much space your vegetables need and don't plant too much in one container.
2. No drainage.
Unlike a raised bed or underground garden, excess water doesn't go anywhere in a container. If your containers don't have drainage holes, water can pool and drown the roots, or create an environment conducive to the growth of mold and mildew. Although most store-bought containers have drainage, it's always a good idea to check. If you're going the creative route and using coffee cans or glass jars, make a hole in the bottom or add enough space for the water to drain.
3. Not enough water.
Water issues can be a big one for gardeners growing vegetables in containers. The simple fact is that water evaporates very quickly from the soil in containers. Some popular containers, such as terra cotta, absorb water quickly. Of course, this is easy to fix. Plan to water your container garden more often. The easiest way to determine if your plants need water is to dig your finger about an inch into the soil. If the soil is dry, you should water the plants.
4. Mixing bad companion plants.
Here's a variation on the "too many plants in one container" problem. Tomatoes and basil, radishes and beets — many plants go well together — but what other plants? Not too much. Onions and peas or cucumbers and potatoes, as two examples, should be kept separate.
5. Soil quality.
Soil quality is always a factor in gardening, but it's especially important if you're growing vegetables in containers. In the ground, plant roots are more likely to reach out to find the nutrients they need. Clearly, they can't do it in a container. The easiest solution here is to purchase soil specifically formulated for container gardening.