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Night blooming flowers for a dreamy and fragrant garden

 Night blooming flowers 

Many plants close their flowers when the light sets in until morning. However, there are many beautiful and fragrant plants that bloom only at night. These plants are an excellent choice for moon gardens, adding a dreamy and magical vibe to your outdoor landscape.

Additionally, these flowers provide a natural, sweet-smelling atmosphere, as many of them come with a lovely fragrance. To help you choose a flower that best suits your taste and garden design, below are 15 beautiful night-blooming plants to complement your moonlight garden.

1. Moonflower

This night-blooming morning glory opens in the evening and lasts until the morning dew appears. It's a stunning and easy-to-spot addition to the night garden thanks to its dazzling white flowers. It has a lemon scent and attracts bees, butterflies, and moths.

2. Tuberose

Tuberose is deliberately grown for its strong fragrance. Its beautiful waxy, elongated flowers shrivel under high heat. That is why they prefer to bloom at night when the temperature is low.

3. Flowering tobacco

Flowering tobacco produces small flowers in red, pink, green, yellow, and white. They open only at night, providing nectar for moths that search for food in the evening.

4. Casa Blanca Lily

The Casa Blanca lily is a large, showy flower that will stand out in your garden in the evenings. It has white petals facing downwards with deep red stamens. Its sweet fragrance can be recognized from far away.

5. Night Blooming Jasmine

Night-blooming jasmine opens at night and releases its sweet fragrance. It's a pollinator's dream and will attract hummingbirds, butterflies and bees. Plant it near your patio or deck to fully enjoy its fragrance.

6. Night phlox

Night phlox has small white or pink flowers that open at dusk and close again at dawn. It has a honey-like aroma that is stronger at night.

7. Four o'clock

It blooms for four hours in the afternoon and closes again in the early morning, offering fragrant flowers that come in yellow, pink, purple, red, and white. They are fast-growing and shrubby plants that require ample space in your garden.

8. Dragon fruit flowers

Dragon fruit plants produce stunning white flowers up to 10 inches across. They open only once a night and last only one night.

9. Evening primrose

Evening primaries open at dusk and stay open until midday the next day. It has a lemon scent and attracts butterflies, moths, and bees.

10. Queen of the Night Flower

The Queen of the Night Flower is a rare and sacred flower native to the Himalayas. It blooms only once a year, usually in July or August, only at night. It has a solid and pleasant aroma, which is said to have healing properties.

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