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Best succulents to grow indoors

succulents to grow 

Succulents have attracted a lot of interest in recent years, and many people have taken up growing them in their homes as a hobby. As gardeners expand their succulent collections, they face a learning curve. Many people put succulents outside in the summer, but bring them inside when the weather cools. At this point, most gardeners' main goal is to keep their succulents alive. If you want to grow succulents year-round, there are a few key factors to keep them healthy.

Provide proper light, humidity and circulation

The first factor to consider when growing succulents indoors is the amount of sunlight your plants will receive. In the wild, succulents grow in bright environments from full sun to open shade. Place them near a south-facing window for optimal light. An east-facing window is the second best option, with a west-facing window a close third. North-facing windows usually don't get enough light. Watch how the sunlight changes throughout the day and move your succulents accordingly to avoid burning succulents from too much light.

Evaporation occurs at a slower rate indoors, so succulents need to be watered less often than outside. An easy way to check soil moisture is to stick a wooden chopstick or food thorn deep into the soil. When you pull it out, if a moderate amount of soil is incorporated, the soil will have enough moisture. However, prolonged soil saturation can lead to rot. To increase evaporation, use a fan or place your plants near a window to circulate the air. Avoid placing them near vents.

Choose your plants wisely

Some succulents are better suited to growing as year-round houseplants than others. Haworthia, Haworthiopsis, Gasteria and Senecio are four species that do well indoors. They grow relatively slowly, which allows them to tolerate low light. They are also winter growers, meaning they grow actively in the cold months and are dormant in the summer. They're more than happy to be houseplants during the warmer months—unlike summer growers who prefer to go outside. This succulent soil must be drained rapidly; Amend with pumice or perlite. This creates spaces for water to flow and evaporate and increases space for roots to develop. Water once every four weeks in winter and once every four to six weeks in summer if plants are kept indoors. The following species are easy to come by and thrive indoors.

The zebra plant has unique characteristics

Haworthiopsis fasciata and H. attenuata, zones 9–11

Zebra plant is the common name given to two similar species: Haworthiopsis fasciata (above) and H. Attenuata (right). You may also find these succulents sold as Haworthia fasciata and Haworthia attenuata, reflecting their former species. Both have rough, hard leaves with white, horizontal tubercles running along the outer edges of the leaves. H. attenuata has tubercles on the inside and outside of the leaves, while H. fasciata has smooth inner leaves. Due to their slow growing nature their rosette formation is more symmetrical when indoors. As they mature, they develop multiple offsets.

Star window plant game with glowing foliage

Haworthia cuspidata, zones 9–11

Star window plant grows in rosettes of vibrant, smooth-leaved leaves. The leaves are plump and thick; If it starts to shrink, it needs to be watered. On the top of the leaves are translucent windows. This translucency is characteristic of many plants in this genus, and it allows more sunlight for photosynthesis. This makes them well suited to low light conditions for indoor growing.

Dwarf casteria is a very slow grower

Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana, Zones 10–11

While some casterias grow relatively large, dwarf casterias tend to be smaller. It forms offsets and grows in a rosette formation or in a bilobed (vertical or slightly twisted fan-like manner; Fig. Dwarf Kasteria has small, dark green leaves with a smooth surface and white accents. It is a slow growing plant and is low phototolerant Luk has a high tolerance.

Senecio radicans syn. Curio radicons, Zones 10-11

Succulents of the genus Senecio make good indoor plants, but only the hanging varieties. A string of bananas creeps along the ground in the wild, but in cultivation it is often found in hanging baskets. Foliage grows in plump crescents that hang below the container. A translucent strip running below the leaves allows for more light photosynthesis, making it a great choice for a houseplant. This succulent needs more air circulation than others because the foliage that grows on top of the soil is dense and doesn't allow much surface space for evaporation.

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