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Front Yard Flower Bed Ideas For A Welcoming Entrance

 Front Yard Flower Bed Ideas

Add curb appeal, brighten up your entryway, and welcome guests with these beautiful front yard flower bed ideas. Whether you want a formal or informal look, low maintenance, or tons of color through the seasons, you'll find plenty of inspiration in this list. Then start making your front yard the best on the block.

1. Create a curved path

Maximize visual impact by installing a gently curving walkway to border your flowerbeds—it gives a casual feel that a straight walkway doesn't. Add vibrant container gardens to the front door to add even more color, texture and fragrance.

2. Embrace the cottage-garden look

If you're intimidated by gardening "rules," embrace the cottage-garden aesthetic, a freewheeling, overflowing, and relaxing front yard flower bed style. You don't have to live in an actual cottage: this easy approach pairs well with most home styles. A simple white picket fence makes a fantastic backdrop for your cottage garden summer event.

This adorable example includes purple iris, red and apricot roses, and creeping thyme, but any romantic flowers like roses, peonies, or hydrangeas are perfect for the style.

3. Save yourself from trimming

This front yard flower bed idea saves time because it makes maintaining your landscape easier, with less mowing and edging to worry about. Here, colorful flowers dress up a traditional white picket fence and eliminate the need to use a string trimmer with it.

4. Accent your front porch

If you have a front porch, add a skirt of colorful flowers for a beautiful front yard flower bed idea. Even a small pocket planting like the one shown here provides great color and interest in the front yard. Mix annuals with perennials and bulbs—and a dwarf evergreen or two—so you can enjoy the display year-round.

5. Create a flagstone path

For a more informal front yard flower bed idea, replace the sidewalk leading up to your front door with loosely spaced flagstones. Low-maintenance groundcovers between the stones create a carpet of color and interest.

6. Smooth your pavement

Instead of cutting that narrow yard between your fence and sidewalk, fill it with a flower garden. Flowers add color and interest and keep the fence from feeling like an obstacle. It makes your front yard look very welcoming.

7. Show lots of color

A bold front yard flower bed idea is to use lots of color. The assortment of shades gives this landscape a romantic cottage-garden sensibility. Climbing roses on the pergola perfume the air at the front entrance, and a clipped boxwood hedge borders the yard to define a cozy, enclosed feel.

8. Look for jewel tones

Soft pinks and soft yellows are beautiful, but why not go a little bolder with this front yard flower bed idea? Here, bright red bougainvillea adorn the front porch, while white marguerite daisies and blue lobelia sport the front walk. Vibrant yellow pansies add extra sparkle. Choosing an unexpected color combination—like one built around accent tones—can make your garden stand out.

9. Make a statement in the spring

Arrange an unmissable introduction each spring with colorful bulbs, cool-season flowers (like pansies) and spring-blooming trees and shrubs (like this redbud). As the bulbs fade, later flowering perennials take center stage. Accent them with summer-blooming annuals and perennials.

10. Iterate effectively

Reversing is a front yard flower bed idea that garden designers use to create balance and harmony. For example, add pockets of color to make your front yard interesting — but not overwhelming — again. It can help draw the eye to a walkway or the front of your home. Here, the beautiful blue lobelia is joined by a riot of other early flowering plants.

11. Bring lots of organization

Low-maintenance Russian sage, spikes of sedum and ornamental grasses, among other perennials and shrubs, add texture and color to the front yard without making it look cluttered or overwhelming. Adds. A lawn extends between the foundation planting and the walkway allowing easy viewing of the two flower gardens.

12. Combine edible plants

Planting flowers with your vegetables is a great front yard flower bed idea to help attract pollinators for extra produce. This flowery garden includes many herbs and vegetables, making it a beautiful and productive space.

13. Play up your home's architecture

This bright yellow house is the perfect backdrop for the colorful flowers in the front garden. A cheerfully colored stucco wall, brick pavement and eye-catching flowers combine beautifully to enhance the home's Spanish theme. Likewise, use the style of your home as inspiration for your plantings.

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