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Home Garden Mid-late summer disease control

  Common Flower Diseases

Most plant diseases begin to be noticed from mid to late summer. The most common flowering diseases are powdery mildew, black spot, and gray mold (botrytis). Learn how to identify them and what you can do to avoid them in your own garden.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew, as the name implies, resembles a white, powdery coating on the leaf surface. The term is applied to several closely related fungal species, each affecting one or more specific plants. Therefore, the powdery mildew in your cucumber will not be the same species that affects your phlox.

If severe, in addition to leaf surfaces, it may also appear on stems and flowers. The affected leaves eventually turn yellow, then brown. Dead foliage usually falls off the stems, although sometimes it remains intact.

Although not dangerous to plants, the powdery mildew makes the leaves unattractive, and successive attacks of the disease will gradually weaken the plant. Powdery mildew especially annual flowers includes ginseng, snapdragon, and verbena. Commonly affected perennials include delphinium, lung, bee balm, and garden phlox.

Prevention of powdery mildew

Unlike most fungal diseases, powdery mildew does not require water to spread; It spreads under conditions of high humidity.

Keeping the plants well-spaced and removing weeds will ensure good air circulation and reduce the humidity around the plants.

Avoid over-watering, which will increase the moisture in the canopy of the plant. Instead, water gently at the soil level, near the base of the plant. Or, even better, use drip irrigation.

Powdery mildew control

Choose varieties that are resistant.

If you find some affected leaves, pluck them and discard them.

Use horticultural oil, pesticide soap, or another spray. As with all fungal diseases, it is important to start applying early in the disease - often in late June or early July - and make sure all vulnerable foliage is treated. Repeat applications are required during the growing season. Read and follow the instructions on the label.

Options include:

Neem oil, derived from the neem tree.

Serenade Garden Disease Control is a spray containing beneficial bacteria.

Garden dust, copper-containing pesticide-insecticide.

Try home remedies with baking soda: Mix 1 tablespoon with warm water; Spray the plants every seven to 10 days.

Black spot

Blackheads are another common fungal disease. This is a big problem in roses. (See photo above.) The disease usually begins as black spots on the leaves. These spots are more common on the upper leaf surface and can be up to "1/2". The leaves eventually turn yellow around the spots and then all turn yellow. The spots may also appear on rose canes, first being purple and then turning black.

Controlling and blocking the black dot

Black spot infection requires at least seven hours of humid conditions and is prevented at a temperature of about 85 degrees F. Even if you can't raise the temperature in your garden, keeping the leaves dry properly can reduce the disease with irrigation and good air circulation.

Plant vulnerable flowers like roses in open and sunny places and avoid watering in cloudy weather.

Black-spotted fungus infests fallen leaves and affected canes. At the end of the season prune the diseased and suck the fallen leaves.

Rose varieties vary greatly in black spot resistance, so select resistant varieties. If this information is not mentioned on the plant labels, you can research the different varieties online or check with experts at your local nursery. Many shrub roses are resistant to blackheads and powdery mildew. Take a look at the cultivation of Midland, David Austin, and the Explorer series. Many other shrub roses and antique roses are resistant.

Neem oil can help prevent blackheads. Spray every 10 to 15 days during the growing season.

Gray mold

Gray mold is the most common disease of flowers. This is especially problematic in high rainfall and cold temperatures. Like the powdery mildew, the gray mold is well named. Primarily it looks like gray mold on old and dying leaves and flowers. It starts as water-soaked spots and eventually develops into a gray, fuzzy coating characteristic.

Prevention and control of gray mold

Remove diseased flowers and/or leaves immediately.

Serenade Garden Spray with beneficial bacteria found in disease control.

Weed thin plants and flower beds to allow plenty of air circulation around the plants.

Avoid overhead irrigation.


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