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Must-have Annuals For A Beautiful Flower Garden

 Annuals are a must-have for a beautiful flower garden

If you're looking for a little seasonal color to pop your garden, turn to annuals! It's one of the best ways to boost curb appeal or brighten up your backyard landscape with a burst of color with each bloom. Also, they are ideal for a busy gardener because they are low-maintenance plants. Each shade brings incredibly eye-catching, vibrant, long-lasting color to any spot in your garden. Apart from the stunning flowers, they also keep their amazing green leaves. That's why they're perfect candidates for brightening up the landscape with plenty of colors. They are unsurpassed in adding interest to beds, borders, pots, or containers on the patio or deck. You can use their flowers for cut flowers, rock gardens, hanging baskets, window boxes, ground covers, and more.

1 Marigold

Marigolds are compact in size, bushy, have a slightly spreading habit, and are grown in vegetable gardens to deter pests. They can be quickly grown from seed. Plant them in sunny areas and with regular watering.

2 Snapdragons

Snapdragons are perfect tough annuals that come in many colors including orange, white, pink, and lavender. They have tall, luscious forms with fiery red petals open to reveal light purple centers and a sweet aroma.

3 Petunias

Petunias offer beautiful pastel shades that will brighten up your drab and drab borders. They are easy and simple to grow and maintain.

4 Anagallis

Anacallis are shrubby plants and have numerous crimson red or dark blue star-shaped flowers. They grow low to the ground, making them perfect for ground-level plant options for a rock garden or garden path.

5 Cosmos

Cosmos are straightforward flowers to grow and drought-tolerant annuals. They prefer full sun and are best suited to moist and well-drained clay, loam, chalk, or sandy soil. They produce stunning flowers with shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, white, or purple.

6 Zinnias

Zinnia loves warmth, so this flower can fill your garden with long-lasting blooms in jewel colors. They need full sun to produce beautiful flowers. They do well when sown directly in the garden and the best time to plant zinnia seeds is in the spring when the weather warms up.

7 Larkspur

Larkspurs are easy to grow from seed. The best time to sow it is in autumn, as this flower does not bear fruit well after the summer heat. They are beautiful and diverse plants that come in all shapes, sizes, and colors depending on the variety. They do well in full sun except in hot climates. Also, they do not like afternoon shade and require frequent watering.

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