Unique Zebra Print Indoor Plants
If you want to add exotic flair and visual interest to your indoor space, zebra print plants are a great choice. These plants have stunning foliage with striped patterns reminiscent of a zebra's coat. Here are 15 unique indoor plants with zebra print leaves
1. Calathea Zebrina
Also known as the zebra plant, it has long leaves with dark green stripes and a velvety texture.
2. Alocasia zebrina
With its large, arrow-shaped leaves and silver-green markings resembling zebra stripes, this plant is sure to make a statement.
3. Aphelandra squarrosa
Also known as zebra plant or zebra leaf, it has glossy, dark green leaves with white veins resembling zebra stripes.
4. Maranta leuconera
Commonly known as the prayer plant, it has vibrant, deep green leaves with bold, feather-like patterns that resemble zebra stripes.
5. Ctenanthe Setosa
Commonly known as the fishbone prayer plant, this plant displays elongated leaves with intricate zebra-like patterns in shades of green.
6. Haworthia Attenuata
A succulent plant also known as Zebra Haworthia, it has dense, dark green leaves decorated with white horizontal stripes.
7. Sansevieria Cylindrica
The cylindrical snake plant has long, tubular leaves that are light green in color and have vertical dark green stripes that resemble zebra patterns.
8. Gasteria Bicolor
Along with its fleshy, tongue-shaped leaves, this plant displays white horizontal stripes on its dark green leaves.
9. Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor
This variety has long leaves with green and silver-gray markings that mimic the Chinese Evergreen zebra stripes.
10. Peperomia caperata
Called the Emerald Ripple Radiator Plant, it has heart-shaped leaves with hard green patterns that resemble zebra stripes.
11. Anthurium clarinervium
With its large, heart-shaped leaves and prominent white veins, this plant displays zebra-like shapes.
12. Apelandra scurosa 'Tania'
This variety of zebra plants has broad, dark green leaves with contrasting yellow veins, creating a unique zebra print effect.
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