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Repel Ticks and Fleas from Your Yard

 3 plants that repel ticks and fleas from your yard

The time for fleas and ticks has come. Plant these garden plants to keep them away from you and your pets.

Now that the weather is hot and the land is wet with rain, it is time to start thinking about protection from annoying and dangerous outdoor parasites. You and your pets are going to spend more time outside, so you need to be careful, especially when it comes to two blood-sucking insects like ticks and ticks. External parasites can carry diseases to humans and animals, so it is important to be diligent to avoid health problems. Although chemical pesticides seem to be the only answer, you can actually go to some important garden plants and prevent flies and ticks. It’s great for the environment (and so beautiful!).

About Blaze and Dix

Many people mistakenly think that flies and ticks belong to the same family. Blaze insects, while tick arachnids, are most closely related to spiders. Flies are smaller than ticks, but both are harder to find on the skin. Unlike ticks, fleas are known to cause infections at home.

Both insects eat blood and cause annoying bites, which leave a red mark on the skin. The plague spreads tapeworms and some types of ticks transmit Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spot fever. These diseases can cause serious health problems if left untreated. The warmest months of the year are called the flea and tick season - both insects prefer moist, humid areas.

As overall temperatures rise across the United States, flies and ticks pose a major problem for both humans and pets. Ticks, in particular, are increasing in the population, resulting in more reports of tick-borne disease.

Plants that prevent flies and ticks

Like other garden pests, flies and carnivores are repelled by specific scented plants. By planting these plants in your garden, you can reduce the number of pests that enter your yard and avoid problems such as infections and disease.


Many fragrant herbs are good options for natural tick and flea repellents. Herbal essential oils are often used in eco-friendly insect repellents. Rosemary, in particular, is so strong that you can spray the branches around the garden to prevent pests. This herb also repel aphids, insects and flies.


Wormwood, also known as Artemisia, is a small ornamental perennial with dense, silvery leaves. The leaves are fragrant and prevent pests and ticks from entering your garden. Apart from being a repellent to ticks, flies and moths, it is also used in tea making and is an important ingredient in absinthe.


Garlic is part of the Allium family and has been used in the kitchen for centuries. Although we like the taste that garlic adds to our diet, plants and ticks do not like the smell and taste of this plant. You can spread crushed garlic cloves around the perimeter of your yard to prevent fleas and ticks (and even deer) from entering your space.

You may already have these plants in your garden or raised bed — if so, you are already one step closer to a safe, pest-free yard. If not, try working on your garden plan this year. Doing so will help keep your family and pets safe during the hot summer months.

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