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6 Tips for Growing Beautiful Hydrangeas

Growing Beautiful Hydrangeas

You can identify them by their enormous floral heads and amazing displays of colors. With colors such as icy white, rose, clear blue, and dazzling pink, hydrangea is a perennial plant. They are easy to grow and difficult to resist. Also, although there are countless types of them, here are some of the most popular:

• Oakleaf hydrangeas are hardy North American species with conical flower clusters and oak-like leaves.

• Gentle hydrangeas are another North American plant that includes everyone's favorite white-flowered Annabelle and some fresh pink varieties.

 Bigleaf hydrangeas have rounded "mophead" flowers in white, pink, purple, and blue.

Climbing hydrangeas Heavy, rising flags cover large walls and support

Hydrangeas fit beautifully into most garden sites - group plantings, shrub borders, or containers. Here are six tips for growing them:

1. Start with good soil

Hydrangeas grow well and become more colorful in nutrient-rich, porous soils. Mixing some organic matter before planting will fertilize and loosen the soil so that the roots can spread easily.

2. Give them space to grow

Dig a hole two to three times as deep as the root ball. Set the plant in the pit and fill half the pit with soil. Add water. After the water has drained, fill the remaining hole with soil. Water well. Do not crowd them! Plants should be spaced 3 to 10 feet apart.

3. Show them the morning sun

If you grow hydrangeas in the warmer climates of the south, choose a place with morning sun and afternoon shade. In fact, it's good advice for most climates. Hydrangeas can handle full sun in northern areas, and there are varieties - the Panicle Hydrangea in the photo below - that thrive in full sun in any climate.

4. Do not over-fertilize

Some gardeners do not fertilize their hydrangeas, which promotes leaf growth at the expense of flowers. Others believe that the phosphorus in a granule fertilizer actually stimulates flowering production. If you decide to fertilize, follow the instructions carefully because too much fertilizer will give your plants large leaves with substandard flowers.

5. Prune as needed

Pruning is somewhat specific to your hydrangea type. But in general, you cut old and damaged stems below the base to promote growth. Unlike other plants, hydrangea does not bloom when you spend it. Wait until they fall off and remove them when cleaning in the fall.

6. Try natural insect repellents

Snails and bugs love your hydrangeas just as much as you do. Sometimes the crushed eggshells around the plant will work to prevent them. Even better, put slug traps around your plants and trap them and kill them. These are simply shallow dishes with beer. They are remarkably effective - and cheap!

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