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Why do my Christmas cactus leaves turn purple

Christmas cactus leaves turn purple

Thanks to its long flowering season at a time when flower displays are rare, the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera cut) has long been considered a holiday option by houseplant enthusiasts. Although these plants are relatively easy to grow, newcomers sometimes rush to cultivate them. In trouble.

One of the most common problems with the Christmas cactus is that its leaves sometimes turn purple, which sometimes causes people to leave the plant and throw it in the trash. However, while purple is a sign that the plant is struggling to survive, Christmas cactus can usually be revived if conditions that cause purple leaves are observed.

Here's what you need to know about the common causes of leaf discoloration in Christmas cactus and how to get rid of the bright green leaves known to this plant.

1. Very bright light

As the Christmas cactus has evolved into a subtropical plant in the tropical rainforest environment, they are genetically wired to do best in light conditions that reflect the delicate shade of their natural habitat - meaning their foliage can change if exposed. On a regular basis, very bright light for them, especially in the summer months.

If your Christmas cactus is placed near a south or west window, try moving it to another area of ​​the house or several feet from the window.

2. Temperature fluctuations

Temperature fluctuations can cause the foliage of the Christmas cactus to turn purple or turn completely purple.

Christmas cactus is best when the temperature is 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 60 to 65 degrees at night.

3. Malnutrition

Although experts agree that it is undesirable to fertilize the Christmas cactus during the flowering and earlier weeks, failure to provide proper nutrition later in the year can lead to problems such as discoloration of the leaves.

Applying all common fertilizers twice a month from April to October will help prevent your Christmas cactus leaves from turning purple.

Since Christmas cactus requires more magnesium than average, add a teaspoon of Epsom salt on alternate weeks. Stop fertilizing completely in October to encourage flowering during the holidays.

4. Too much or too little water

Too much or too little water can also affect the foliage of the Christmas cactus. Watering the Christmas cactus involves a subtle balance - this plant will easily stagnate water, so water only when one-third of the soil is dry to the touch, this should happen every two or three weeks.

Less common culprit underwater when it comes to purple and/or withered foliage. If the soil is dry like bone, water less than a few days until the soil is evenly but slightly moist.

5. Crowded roots

Although Christmas cactus pots prefer a somewhat tighter fit, they can be rooted if the fit is too tight. When the roots are attached to the root, they do not absorb the nutrients properly, i.e. they do not get the nutrients needed to maintain the greenish glossy sheen.

Even if you dismiss the above issues, if your Christmas cactus still shows purple leaves, it may be time to re-pot it in a slightly larger pot if you have been potting it for at least two years.

Optimal Drainage This is also a good time to replace the soil with a good quality potting soil mixed with a small amount of vermiculite or sand.

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