Plants that survive the heat of summer When the hot days of summer hit, many container garden plants slow down to produce flowers and new foliage, even if you're watering regularly. Beat the heat by filling your containers with these colorful plants that thrive as temperatures rise. Most come from warm places around the world, so they are often grown as annuals in cooler areas. However, you can spend many of them indoors and bring them back outside when the warmer weather returns. 1 Angel's Trumpet In full bloom, a good-sized angel's trumpet will stop you in your tracks. The drooping flowers are actually trumpet-shaped and can reach over 1 foot in length depending on the variety. The flowers emit a sweet, sweet fragrance after sunset. If you have pets or children, keep these plants out of reach, as all parts are poisonous if ingested. Light: Full sun Water: Plant in moist, well-drained soil Size: 6 feet or more Zones: 7-11 2 Agave Although it is not grown for f...
Grow Green Eat Green