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Great low-maintenance outdoor plants for containers in the sun or shade

 Great low-maintenance outdoor plants 

While some plants are generally easier to grow than others, the most low-maintenance outdoor plants for containers are always the right plant for the right place. Matching the plant to the growing conditions will reduce your effort. This means placing sun-loving container plants in areas that receive most of the day's direct sunlight, and shading containers in indirect light. Then, follow these tips to choose the best containers to use, and some ideas for low-maintenance outdoor plants to grow in them.

Container size and material

One of the main challenges in growing outdoor plants in containers can be the size of the container. Large planters are expensive, heavy to move, and require a lot of filler material, making them expensive. Small containers can restrict growth by restricting the size of the roots, and larger plants in smaller pots may require more frequent watering.

For a low-maintenance container plant, select the appropriate selections for the size of the container you will be using. A tomato plant can be low maintenance in a large garden - about five gallons or more. If you plant the same tomato in a 12-inch pot, it will be very demanding, always wanting water and fertilizer, and will not grow as big and green as you would like. Container material makes a difference in how much care and maintenance your plants will require. For example, clematis needs cool soil around its roots, so avoid placing it in a dark-colored container. Cocoa coir basket liners look great but drain faster than plastic. Unglazed terracotta pots are porous and can help the soil dry out faster—good for plants that thrive in dry conditions, like rosemary, but bad for moisture-loving ones like basil.

Low-maintenance container plants

Large containers filled with beautiful plants don't have to be high maintenance. Here are some outdoor plants for sunny and shady spots to get you started.

Sun-loving plants for containers

Purple fountain grass (Pennisetum purpureum) is an ornamental grass with pointed, purple leaves that add height and bulk to a low-maintenance container garden. It is heat tolerant and grows very tall in a garden bed, but is very tame in a garden.

Superdunias are heat-tolerant hybrids that don't require much maintenance beyond regular watering. Plant them with a controlled-release fertilizer and they'll be happy. No deadheading is required, making these flowering powerhouses an easy choice. They are available in typical petunia colors including white, pink, purple, red, yellow, and fun multicolored patterns.

Angelface and other Angelonia hybrids are vertical stunners perfect for adding a tall element to a flowering container garden. They love sunlight and tolerate both overwatering and a little neglect. New Angelonia hybrids will continue to bloom until frost in the fall and are self-cleaning.

Salvias are workhorses in the container garden, sending up spikes of deep color with a nice mound of green underneath. They are favored by pollinators, especially hummingbirds. An upright habit and lack of nodding with stems that can reach three feet tall make this long bloomer a great addition to a low-maintenance container.

Shade-loving container plants

Rex begonias are excellent evergreens for partial shade. They add lots of color and texture that will last all season without the hassle of deadheading or pruning. Regular humidity is all they need to be happy.

Caladiums bring wonderful contrasting colors on a single leaf and are great plants to use in a thriller role for a slightly shady spot. Heat tolerance and medium height make them a good pair with begonias and impatiens.

Fuchsias enjoy the partial shade and will provide bright color all summer long in areas with cool summer temperatures, drooping over the edge of a pot or basket.

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