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4 Essential Tips for Indoor Plant Design

 Bringing Plants Indoors for Winter

Bring your plants indoors this winter to add greenery to your home and continue to care for your favorite plants. Here are some indoor plant design tips.

Colder weather is upon us and many plant enthusiasts are slowly mourning the end of the outdoor growing season. Annuals begin to decline and the possibility of freezing temperatures means that perennials will also begin to close in winter.

The change of season doesn't mean you have to lose all your outdoor potted or hanging plants. Bring your plants indoors this winter to add greenery to your home and continue to care for your favorite plants. From a design perspective, maintaining indoor plants is almost essential to modern decor. Here are some design tips for houseplants.

1. Use stylish hangers in your indoor plant design

Macrame hangers are one of the most popular and versatile ways to hang plants indoors or even outdoors. Some styles include small metal pots or stone pieces made to hold a small hanging container garden. Use these hangers in corners, above kitchen windows or even in the bathroom for an extra accent of life.

Succulents and cactus varieties make great hanging plants because they are easy to care for and look great in clusters. Hanging vines are also popular in hangers because they need enough vertical space to grow. Choose an area with extra space under the vines you want to bring indoors this year to add natural beauty to a room.


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                           Indoor Plants         Smart Garden        Vegetable Garden

2. Fill in the negative space

When adding accent plants, you want to add them to an area that isn't too crowded, rather something like negative spaces in a room. Common areas include kitchen and bathroom cabinets and built-in alcoves above a great room. These areas can survive through a living and breathing houseplant. Choose vines and fast-growing plants for these areas of your home to quickly fill the space. Ferns are a good way to fill these spaces because they require little maintenance in hard-to-reach areas of the home.

3. Add color to every room

Potted plants are a great choice to add color to many rooms of your home. Consider breaking up some larger plants to provide enough plants for each indoor area. A small succulent placed on a nightstand can make a huge difference in the mood of a room. Add smaller pots to side tables and dressers, while larger ones can be used as a table centerpiece or buffet. You can also add small potted flowers like begonias or African violets to the windowsills.

4. Create depth in corners with indoor plant design

You may have some plants outside that are too large to divide into smaller sections. Like a fiddle leaf or a small palm tree, these plants can easily be placed in a corner to create depth for a room. Make sure the plant gets enough sunlight and enough space so it's not overcrowded. Move the furniture in your favorite room to use a tall plant to help create a calming atmosphere. Additional plant species that do not take up much root space and use vertical space include cactus and bamboo. Placing a large accent plant in the corner of the room can make the room feel larger and more interesting.

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