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7 Vertical Gardens For Better Herbs

 Gardens for the Best Herbs

You clearly dream of the culinary experience of freshly cut herbs, but alas, you do not have the real estate for a vast formal herb garden. Don’t give up on your daydream! With these nine brilliant vertical herb garden ideas, you will find growing a functional and beautiful herb garden in a very limited space.

1. Hanging shelves with terra-cotta pots

This simple and striking DIY project, created by Homemade Modern, is a unique vertical display for a simple herb garden. Cheap pine boards (with 4-inch holes) are drilled round holes to accommodate the pots, and then the whole thing is tied with rope and zip ties. Create one of your own vertical herb gardens by watching the full DIY tutorial of Homemade Moder.

2. Advanced metal ammunition-box herb garden

In this advanced masterpiece by The Hardicult, Ryan Benoit, old metal ammunition boxes are suspended from chains and then planted with herbs. For a similar look, drill holes in the metal mailboxes or file boxes on their sides and try reusing them using bolts to attach to the chains.

3. Reusable Spice Rack Herb Garden

Have you ever seen cheap white wire spice racks hanging on the back of your pantry door? Well, garden writer Chris McLaughlin found one in the yard sale for three bucks and decided it had to be a vertical herb crop: STAT. You can learn more about this and her other vertical gardening ideas in her book Vertical Vegetable Gardening (Alpha Books), as well as the DIY of this project on her blog Laughing Crow & Co.

4. Recycling hanging file-organizer garden

Sometimes, office supplies can unexpectedly create wonderful gardeners. Case: This attractive vertical vegetable garden, in a hanging file organizer inspired by glamor. Lining wire boxes with hanging basket liners makes it perfect for filing your herbs (see what we did there! Sorry, not sorry). See more of this easy and stunning project inspired by glamor.

5. Wall-mounted pipe and metal hanging plants

View of this industry-vibrating beauty Erin Hodgson's blog. A hanging metal tank is an invention that gardeners buy in a store, but you can easily get a similar aesthetic using small sections of galvanized sewers built of natural sisal rope. Both of these items can be found at your local home improvement center, where you go to some galvanized pipes to hang your gardeners. Get this DIY walk here.

6. Hanging shoe-organizer garden

This simple, inexpensive version of the vertical garden came from the farm and foundry. Your shoe collection is a real mess because you want to recreate that door canvas pocket organizer as an incredible living wall gardener. For a fraction of the cost, you will get the look of a luxurious high-quality wall pocket gardener. View full DIY from farm and foundry.

7. Freestanding Hanging Cutter Herb Planter

You have to plant vertically but what if you do not have a wall to do it? Her tool belt was invented with this adorable DIY hanging canal herb. Brightly painted vinyl drains create the perfect gardener when suspended by colorful rope from an easily created wooden frame. Enhance the beauty by adding new hand-painted herbal identifiers and plant markers.

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