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remove weeds from your garden

 What you need to know to remove weeds from your garden

Plants that appear where you don’t like them can be hard to control. Fortunately, there are many tips and tricks that can help you get rid of these leaf invaders naturally.

Weeds are hard to pity, but plants that grow where they don't want to (some weeds are even edible!). Try this philosophy: if you want, it is a flower; If you don’t, it’s a weed. It makes perfect sense not to mix weeds with your vegetables and perennials. To deal with them effectively without resorting to toxic chemicals, you need some difficult techniques, some quality tools, and an understanding of the different types of weeds you may encounter. Then, during the growing season, you should be on top of them: diligence pays off. Further weeding activity may also be therapeutic.

Types of weeds

Some weeds produce large quantities of seeds, and when they are pulled or wet, new ones quickly take their place. Other types of weeds have the ability to sprout new plants from the small root or stem pieces that remain after your pull. Then you have strong dandelion-like weeds that combine the two types of good (or bad). Once you know these types of weeds, you can use the most effective techniques to control them.


Almost all weeds produce seeds (a way they can spread), but the annual Kalinsoka and Lamb habitats have only one year to live. They are tricky than other weeds because they cover the ground with seeds. To get rid of them, in early spring and during the summer, often pull the shovel through the soil and disrupt the small germinating seeds. If you can, dig or pull out the annual weeds before growing the seeds. If you can't pull them out without damaging other garden plants, cut them in the soil or below to prevent the stems from growing back.


The key to combating roots is to pull all of their long, strong roots out of the soil. Perennial plants like dandelions can grow back from any part of the root remaining in the soil, while two-year-olds like grass thistle will die after budding in their second year. Drop the straight, sharp trowel or dandelion ticker next to the root and help remove it. For larger, deeper taproots you can use a flat garden shovel.


These weeds are difficult to control because they have horizontal stems called rhizomes that grow back when cut. For weeds such as nettle, witch grass, and across, use a towel, nail, or spatula fork to loosen the soil around these weeds. The rhizomes are easier to pull out and less likely to break and leave pieces.


These weeds, including chickpeas, bananas, and docks, prefer to grow in hard, compacted soil. It takes strength to pull them out, so a swinging stripe ho is your best friend to handle them. Its sharp, horizontal blade swings back and forth as you work in the soil, giving it even more power. This will help loosen the soil around these stubborn weeds and pull them out easily.


Aggressive weeds, including Japanese knotweed and pineweed, are unlikely to be eradicated due to their deep, strong roots. If your hand is caught by them (or any other weeds), try to starve them in the light. Move the plants you want to place to another area and then cut the weeds close to your yard. Cover the weeds with firm tar and weigh them, then wait until all the plants below are dead.

Weeding tips and techniques

Spreading 2 inches of thick mulch over the soil in the planting beds helps prevent seed germination and eliminates germination easily. The best time to deal with most weeds is after watering or rain. When the ground is soft they are easy to pull or dig across. To avoid getting tired, focus on a small space each day and rotate around your garden. Facing weed control on a small scale is definitely easier than weeding your entire yard at once.

After pulling or digging the weeds, you can leave them in the ground (best done on a sunny day) so they can be carried away later. Some extra-vigorous garden weeds can grow back or go to seed. Since most household compost piles do not get hot enough to kill the seeds, it is a good idea to remove weeds with your regular trash can or other yard waste.

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Weeding tips and techniques

Spreading 2 inches of thick mulch over the soil in the planting beds helps prevent seed germination and eliminates germination easily. The best time to deal with most weeds is after watering or rain. When the ground is soft they are easy to pull or dig across. To avoid getting tired, focus on a small space each day and rotate around your garden. Facing weed control on a small scale is definitely easier than weeding your entire yard at once.

After pulling or digging the weeds, you can leave them in the ground (best done on a sunny day) so they can be carried away later. Some extra-vigorous garden weeds can grow back or go to seed. Since most household compost piles do not get hot enough to kill the seeds, it is a good idea to remove weeds with your regular trash can or other yard waste.

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Your hands are often the best all-purpose weeding tools, but when you need a little more power, try one of these.

Pruning and scraping tools work best to slide behind and below the weeds to cut the stems from roots. Use angled triangular knives to remove cracks and crevices.

Fishtail or tapeworm weeds have a V-shaped tip at the tip of a long tool that slides on both sides of a weed stalk (such as dandelion) to uproot it from the soil.

Digging knives (also known as hori-horis) are versatile tools that can dig holes, separate perennials, dig root weeds, and clear weed seedlings from the soil. Keep it sharp for the best results.

Swinging spades have sharp-edged stripe-shaped blades and long handles. Destroy the weeds by moving the blade back and forth through the soil. These work well in the vegetable garden when you want to cut young weeds between rows.

Your hands are often the best all-purpose weeding tools, but when you need a little more power, try one of these.

Pruning and scraping tools work best to slide behind and below the weeds to cut the stems from roots. Use angled triangular knives to remove cracks and crevices.

Fishtail or tapeworm weeds have a V-shaped tip at the tip of a long tool that slides on both sides of a weed stalk (such as a dandelion) to uproot it from the soil.

Digging knives (also known as hori-horis) are versatile tools that can dig holes, separate perennials, dig root weeds and clear weed seedlings from the soil. Keep it sharp for best results.

Swinging spades have sharp-edged stripe-shaped blades and long handles. Destroy the weeds by moving the blade back and forth through the soil. These work well in the vegetable garden when you want to cut young weeds between rows.

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