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Shady wall or fence

 Climbers on a shady wall or fence

The boundaries to the north and east can be changed by surprisingly attractive climbers. Some will perform better on the eastern border, which should receive sunlight for a part of the day. Others will cope in full shade.

Rosa 'Wedding Day'

Rosa 'Wedding Day' is a fast-growing and fragrant Rambler rose that is ideal for covering the wall or border of the house in partial shade. It tolerates poor soil and northerly direction but prefers moist, well-drained soil and plenty of space.


Ivy copes in deep shade. The native form, Hedera helix, has beautiful dark green glossy leaves. Colorful patterns help to illuminate the dark corners of the garden.


Honeysuckles like Lonicera periglimenum 'Serodina' (pictured) climb over walls and fences and rejoice in the shade. They smell wonderful and are great for wildlife.

Star Jasmine

Although small, the star jasmine flowers, Trachelospermum jasminoids, are highly fragrant. It's happy on the east wall, it's shady for a part of the day but gets a little sun.

Clematis viticella

viticella clematis, like the 'Black Prince' shown in the picture, is a hardy variety that can quickly cover walls and fences. Like all clematis, they do their best in a cool, moist shade.

Chinese Virginia creeper

Parthenocissus henryana fast-growing, self-adhering climber, suitable for the northern or eastern border, which turns rich crimson when frosty nights come. Its color is very vibrant with little sunlight during the day.

Clematis Alpina

Despite its sleek appearance, Clematis Alpina is very hardy and tolerates shade and cold temperatures. Lay it on top of a fence or lower wall for beautiful spring flowers. It does not need pruning.

Clematis x durandii

Enjoy indigo blooms all summer with this shrubby clematis that has vibrant stems rather than climbing. To cover a border, tie them with support as the stems grow. Clematis x durandii prefers shade for a few days, so copes with most aspects.

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